ten minutes that changed our lives


On July 10th, 2020 we lost our home in a devastating fire. Our whole house was completely engulfed in less than ten minutes. We were left powerless as we watched the fire spread rapidly. It was one of the worst days of our lives…

Thankfully, there were no injuries to our family, surrounding neighbors or any of the first responders. We consider ourselves incredibly lucky and know that it could have been so much worse.

We were also incredibly blessed to have a phenomenal community that helped us get back on our feet. We ran out of the house with just the clothes on our bodies. We didn’t even have time to grab shoes. Before the night ended, our community made sure that we had clothes and essentials to get us through the next few days. Many people aren’t as fortunate as we were that night…

…which is why we need your help

Our situation has brought our attention to a huge opportunity – immediate help for fire victims in our community, which is why we’ve started the “Answering the Call” relief fund. The fund will be designed to provide support where fire victims need help most – ensuring they have food, clothing and core essentials, while also providing funds to help victims reacquire a sense of normalcy (spa, etc. gift cards).

Thanks to our wonderful community, we surpassed our goal of hitting $4000 in donations and sales in 2021 and over $5000 last year! This year, we’ll be hosting our last fundraiser!

If you’d like to hear more about our story via a Fox News story, click here.


Families assisted from the Answer the Call Relief Fund.